DSIR 12/180c

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"Yield" signs

Date range1959
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries DSIR, subseries DSIR 12


Details of an experiment carried out by the RRL to trial different types of "stop" and "yield" signs, with emphasis on driver recognition of different shapes, colours and text. The file contains a series of diagrams of the signs that were trialled, including US-style red octagons, continental inverted triangles and the then-standard "HALT at major road ahead" sign.

The winner was a bold red octagon with "HALT" in a black-on-white stripe across the centre, if memory serves. This research appears to have had no immediate impact, but was subsequently used by the Worboys committee in selecting a STOP sign, the triangle-in-circle design that they selected having come second in the trial.

People with camera copies

Chris Marshall has a copy of most of this file.