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Expanded Programme - major road improvements

Date range1964-1966
LocationLondon Metropolitan Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseFond GLC, subfond DG/PTI/P

Wasteoftime.jpg This file is a waste of time.
You are advised to avoid it like the plague. Its file title sounds rather interesting but it may contain only dull papers that fail to illuminate the subject matter or it may not even be related to the subject suggested by the title.


I have scribbled notes to the effect that this deals with "piddly schemes on borough roads". It is GLC road schemes, but unless you want to know in which year Southwark Council secured funding for a set of turning lanes or Harrow installed bus bays on the A4020, you will find little to detain you here. Move along please.

People with camera copies

None known.