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Ringway 2

Date range1969
LocationLondon Metropolitan Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseFond GLC, subfond DG/PTI/P


This file is in a series of 17 files, explained in detail at GLC/DG/PTI/P/05/048.

Within the wider series, this file contains correspondence from October 1969. There's comparatively little of interest in this particular one.

Contents of note

  • A copy of a written reply to a question asked in the GLC Council Chamber on 21 October 1969 about what work was planned to bring the North Circular up to a suitable standard to form part of Ringway 2. The reply lists all the MOT's schemes for the North Circular, placing them in three categories (under construction, programmed and preparation pool) and indicating that programmed schemes were due for completion by 1974 and preparation pool schemes would be done by 1980. That would have given us a fully dualled and grade-separated North Circular, including M15 down to Beckton, by the end of the 1970s.

Links to other files

Previous: GLC/DG/PTI/P/05/057 Ringway 2 (1969)
Next: GLC/DG/PTI/P/05/059 Ringway 2 (1969)

People with camera copies

None known.