HLG 159/1024

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Greater London Council: Subject Evidence, Stage 1; Transport

Date range1970
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries HLG, subseries HLG 159


This file is home to a big fat publication from the GLC dated November 1970 discussing, oh god, everything to do with transport in excruciating detail. Naturally, it includes a fair number of those special graphs and diagrams they came up with that mean absolutely nothing (such as "Travel times by bus per person per week vs. average age of tube announcers 1949-present").

Chapter 6 covers the primary road network and contains some useful information, including the design theory adopted in drawing up a network plan and the specific problems of implementing it in a city like London. It includes examples of the problems that were encountered in plotting a route for the North Cross and West Cross Routes. It goes on to describe how the South Cross Route was designed to take advantage of proposed redevelopments – and this appears to be why it goes through town centres, not past them as you might expect.

It also indicates that the North Circular Road was to be upgraded, but probably not to be a motorway (note the uncertainty).

People with camera copies

Chris Marshall has a copy of Chapter 6.