HLG 159/479

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Revised map of the primary road network

Date range1972
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries HLG, subseries HLG 159


A borderline case for the "misfiled" category, given that its name is misleading. It looks like it's going to be a map of the primary network following some sort of revision, when actually it's a corrected map after a map with some slight inaccuracies was circulated around the inquiry panel.

What's here, after the usual GLDP Inquiry cover note, is a colour map on acetate, and a photocopy of that on A4 paper. It's not very detailed and only really provides a very broad overview of London.

Contents of note

The map does reveal some interesting points:

  • a rough line is indicated for Ringway 4 between the M40 and Maple Cross - unsurprisingly it seems to follow the A405.
  • the M12 is shown terminating at Ringway 3 - allowing us to date this version of the M12 plan. The map was drawn up on 6th June 1972.
  • the M23 is shown as "committed" right up to Ringway 2.

People with camera copies

Chris Marshall has the lot.