Help:Create a New Page

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The lovely thing about a Wiki is that not only can everyone edit pages, but everyone can also create them. As many as you like. There's no limit to what you can do.

At ArchiveWiki, we only ask that your additions fit in with our house style for listings and descriptions (which is very simple - you can pick it up by looking at what's already on the site, and copying-and-pasting if you like) and that they conform to our Filing System.

Making a new page is a three-step process.

  • Create a link to your page.
  • Create the page and, if necessary, select a template.
  • Fill in the details and save it.

Create a link to your page

You will need to edit an existing page to include a link to your new one. Click 'Edit' at the top of any page to do this - you'll need to have an account and be logged in.

Chances are you will want to make a new file listing or a new archive information page. So find the listings page where your new entry will slot in (browsing from Category:Archives is the best way to start), and edit that page. You can copy-and-paste an existing entry in the list to insert your new entry.

When you save the page, your new link will appear in red, Like This Example. This means that the link exists but the page doesn't.

Create the page

Click the red link and you'll find yourself at the edit screen where you have a blank canvas. But before you start typing, see if you can use a template to speed things up.

If you want to do that, use the link at the top of the page, above the text editing area, to select a template. The page will reload, this time with the text editing area full of page elements. You can edit and delete parts of this as necessary to make your page.

If you can't find a template for a page you want, you can always edit another page, copy its text, and paste it in to your new page as a starting point.

Write the page

With your page structure in place, fill in the information you're so keen to share.

Final job - press SAVE PAGE and you're done.

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