MT 139/350

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Rawenstall inner relief road. 2 parts with plans

Date range1964-1969
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries MT, subseries MT 139

Wasteoftime.jpg This file is a waste of time.
You are advised to avoid it like the plague. Its file title sounds rather interesting but it may contain only dull papers that fail to illuminate the subject matter or it may not even be related to the subject suggested by the title.


Note misspelling of Rawtenstall in the title. The front of the document has it spelt correctly though so maybe a typo by whoever entered it on the computer.

I ordered this file on the off chance that something bigger may have been planned for this road. The word 'plans' in the title also enticed me a little.

My heart sank as soon as I saw the front of the file. The words 'compulsory purchase' and lack of an envelope full of maps meant I knew this file wasn't worth my time. The only plans were those that show which parcels of land are required for the road. The documentation is a boring list of all the landowners and tenants affected.

I'm beginning to realise that virtually everything in the MT 139 category concerns only planning blight or purchase of property and any plans simply relate to the outline of parcels of land rather than any road or junction layouts.

People with camera copies

None known.