MT 38/18

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Classification of roads and numbering

Date range1913
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries MT, subseries MT 38


The very earliest attempts to number British roads were in about 1913 when the Road Board was set up and began trying to assess the work that needed to be done. This file contains details of a proposal to carry out traffic surveys on major roads and also to classify them into numbered sections. The numbers would only be for reference purposes, unique within each county, with roads split into numbered segments. A new segment would begin with each cross-road or other feature.

Contents of note

  • Sample letters to be sent out to County Councils.
  • Survey sheets as sent out.
  • Completed survey sheets for what is now A20, in rather florid handwriting.

Links to other files

MT 39/241 CLASSIFICATION: Numbering system (1921-1949)

People with camera copies

Chris Marshall has a partial copy.