MT 95/318

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South Orbital Road (M25): design

Date range1958-1968
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries MT, subseries MT 95

Wasteoftime.jpg This file is a waste of time.
You are advised to avoid it like the plague. Its file title sounds rather interesting but it may contain only dull papers that fail to illuminate the subject matter or it may not even be related to the subject suggested by the title.


This is a slim file that allegedly deals with the design of the M25 South Orbital Road, but which is mainly concerned with providing a home for things you can either see elsewhere or didn't want to see in the first place.

There's a lot of paperwork here that is a straight copy of some items in MT 120/215 regarding the design and construction of Thorpe Interchange. You can also see diagrams of Surrey County Council's scheme to dual the A3 between Ripley and Cobham, though not the M25 interchange that was eventually built along it.

People with camera copies

None known.