MT 95/654

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London-South Wales motorway (No.7): Chiswick-Langley; design

Date range1961-1962
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries MT, subseries MT 95

Wasteoftime.jpg This file is a waste of time.
You are advised to avoid it like the plague. Its file title sounds rather interesting but it may contain only dull papers that fail to illuminate the subject matter or it may not even be related to the subject suggested by the title.


This file is very much a direct continuation of MT 95/653, with further detail on service diversions, pedestrian subways, conversations with landowners, subway drainage, types of boundary fence, types of subway railing, the distance between the crash barrier and the parapet railing on the elevated section, methods of fixing those to the road deck, plans of drainage schemes and some more detail on just how big the roundabout at the northern end of the Heathrow tunnels ought to be.

If you have other things to do with your life you would be well advised to prioritise them over this file.

Links to other files

MT 95/309 London-South Wales Motorway (M4): design of Chiswick-Langley section (1957-1960)
MT 95/653 London-South Wales motorway (No.7): Chiswick-Langley; design (1961)
MT 95/726 Chiswick-Langley: general. Includes 10 photographs depicting: M4 motorway: construction at Chiswick, Brentford and Boston Manor (1962-1963)
MT 95/727 Chiswick-Langley: design (1962-1964)
MT 121/135 London South Wales Motorway: Chiswick-Langley Special Road; Cromwell Road extension to Slough by-pass (1957-1961)

People with camera copies

None known.