Category:British Library

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NB. At present it is difficult to link directly to items in the British Library catalogue. If you wish to look up these items, we recommend you start at the British Library catalogue and enter the shelfmark for the item. The shelfmark is used as the page title for each item here.

Cartographic Items Maps

Cartographic Items Maps 1140 (10) Road Map of Great Britain showing the numbers and classification of the Ministry of Transport Scale, ten miles to one inch, etc (1932)
Cartographic Items Maps 1205 (48) Ministry of Transport Road Map, England and Wales (1923)
Cartographic Items Maps 1205 (126) Ministry of Transport Road Map, England and Wales (1923-1936)
Cartographic Items Maps 3487 (50) Ministry of Transport Road Map Scale, 2 inches to 1 mile (1923)

Document Supply

Document Supply 85/31736 Tomorrow's London: a background to the Greater London Development Plan (1973)
Document Supply F74/28469 Report on roads in tunnel for the Greater London Council by Sir William Halcrow & Partners & Mott, Hay & Anderson, Joint Consulting Engineers (1974)
Document Supply FL69/3262 Movement in London: transport research studies and their context (1969)
Document Supply GPB-7881d South circular assessment study: Transport study technical report and appendices (1987)
Document Supply GPC/01874 Traffic in London: a discussion document on initiatives to tackle the problems (1989)
Document Supply W24/1546 This way to London: a summary of the Greater London development plan (1969)
Document Supply WF2/5002 London's roads: a programme for action (1967)
Document Supply WQ3/4655 Movement in London: transport research studies and their context (1969)
Document Supply WQ2/0750 London road plans, 1900-1970 (1970)
Document Supply WQ3/6974 London's roads: a programme for action (1967)
Document Supply WQ3/9904 A Secondary Roads Policy: Revised after consultation (1970)


This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.

Pages in category "British Library"

This category contains only the following page.