HLG 159/1373

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London Borough of Lambeth: Parkway E

Date range1971
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries HLG, subseries HLG 159


The London Borough of Lambeth lodged a formal objection, for which it was represented at the GLDP Inquiry by a consultant architect called Hilton Wright, to the GLC's proposals for Parkway E - known also to us as SCRPDR.

The argument is, in short, that the road was phased some 30 to 40 years into the future (most likely due to be built between 2001 and 2011, if the GLC's plans all went ahead exactly to schedule) and that, as a result, protecting its line was unnecessary at that stage and was already causing sterilisation of valuable industrial land. The Council wished to grant planning permission for factories and industrial units on the line of the road, which would be life-expired by the time the road was due to be built.

It notes that the GLC had turned down Lambeth's appeal when it had raised this concern directly, on the grounds that it was too late for them to object to something as fundamental as the primary road network. Another example of the GLC alienating the borough councils it so badly needed support from.

People with camera copies

Chris Marshall has a complete copy.