MT 106/126

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Middlesex CC: Great Chertsey Road extension (A305) dualling between Hope and Anchor Public House and Sunbury Cross

Date range1960-1967
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries MT, subseries MT 106


This file is one of six that form a series; the others are listed below.

This file's date range makes it, weirdly, newer than later files in this set. Unlike the others, which are all full of material produced by Middlesex County Council, it concerns the GLC, and deals with the road scheme (now A316) as-built rather than earlier versions of the proposals that did not make it to construction.

There are numerous memos here dating from 1967 about arrangements for the M3/Ringway 3 junction. We then go back in time through paperwork for CPOs, and debates about grant percentages, with the earliest items in 1960. Large parts of this file actually seem to span the same time period, and even, here and there, contains some of the same letters as the other five.

There are some plans at the back but all are duplicates of items that can be seen in the other five files. A couple are more interesting:

  • One shows alternative routes for the Hope & Anchor to Sunbury Cross scheme, in case an on-line improvement wasn't acceptable.
  • Another shows the route of a pipe through part of Buckinghamshire, for no discernible reason.

Links to other files

MT 106/127 Middlesex CC: Great Chertsey Road extension (A305) dualling between Hope and Anchor Public House and Sunbury Cross (1958-1964)
MT 106/128 Middlesex CC: Great Chertsey Road extension (A305) dualling between Hope and Anchor Public House and Sunbury Cross (1958-1964)
MT 106/129 Middlesex CC: Great Chertsey Road extension (A305) dualling between Hope and Anchor Public House and Sunbury Cross (1958-1964)
MT 106/130 Middlesex CC: Great Chertsey Road extension (A305) dualling between Hope and Anchor Public House and Sunbury Cross (1958-1964)
MT 106/131 Middlesex CC: Great Chertsey Road extension (A305) dualling between Hope and Anchor Public House and Sunbury Cross (1958-1964)

People with camera copies

None known.