MT 106/131

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Middlesex CC: Great Chertsey Road extension (A305) dualling between Hope and Anchor Public House and Sunbury Cross

Date range1958-1964
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries MT, subseries MT 106

Wasteoftime.jpg This file is a waste of time.
You are advised to avoid it like the plague. Its file title sounds rather interesting but it may contain only dull papers that fail to illuminate the subject matter or it may not even be related to the subject suggested by the title.


This file is one of six that form a series; the others are listed below. Background information for the set is recorded at MT 106/127.

As with the others in this little set, this is a thick-set file with a wedge of plans in it. There are also two stacks of paperwork, which turn out to be the GLC-branded tender document for the A316 between Hope & Anchor and Sunbury Cross, as built, and bill of quantities for the same scheme. As a result the date range listed for this file is incorrect.

Plans: there are twelve, in a card folder, none of which are unique to this file.

  1. Another Middx CC plan of Sunbury Cross. Having been through the previous five files I can spot these without even opening the flaming things now
  2. H&A traffic census table
  3. Lovely colourful plan of MCC proposed flat roundabout at SC
  4. Sunbury Road traffic count diagram
  5. Pedestrian crossing flows diagram
  6. Another traffic count for some roundabout somewhere, I mean come on, I have a home to go to
  7. Traffic counts for junction of Swan Road
  8. Ditto, Bear Road
  9. Existing flows on A305, 1967
  10. Estimated flows on MCC GSJ scheme, seen elsewhere
  11. MCC flyover scheme at the Brown Bear, seen elsewhere
  12. Ditto H&A

Links to other files

MT 106/126 Middlesex CC: Great Chertsey Road extension (A305) dualling between Hope and Anchor Public House and Sunbury Cross (1960-1967)
MT 106/127 Middlesex CC: Great Chertsey Road extension (A305) dualling between Hope and Anchor Public House and Sunbury Cross (1958-1964)
MT 106/128 Middlesex CC: Great Chertsey Road extension (A305) dualling between Hope and Anchor Public House and Sunbury Cross (1958-1964)
MT 106/129 Middlesex CC: Great Chertsey Road extension (A305) dualling between Hope and Anchor Public House and Sunbury Cross (1958-1964)
MT 106/130 Middlesex CC: Great Chertsey Road extension (A305) dualling between Hope and Anchor Public House and Sunbury Cross (1958-1964)

People with camera copies

None known.