MT 120/250

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NORTH LONDON ORBITAL HIGHWAY (PROPOSED) FEASIBILITY STUDY. Working papers with ministerial and other correspondence

Date range1969-1970
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries MT, subseries MT 120


The last of a long run of files, from MT 120/233 onwards (as listed below), dealing with the North Orbital Study, a project to examine the requirements for Ringway 3 and the North Orbital Road conducted by Freeman Fox. Much of this file is made up of duplicates of things seen elsewhere in the series.

Unexpectedly here - largely because it has nothing to do with this part of London - is some correspondence between MOT, Brian Colquhoun and Partners and the London Borough of Sutton about a map published in the Sutton and Cheam Advertiser that apparently caused a stir with local residents. This appears to be the same incident discussed in HLG 159/1318.

For context, here, you need to understand that on the day I saw this file for the first time, it was only a week previously that I had finished and published my brand new page on Ringway 3's Southern Section - which contained the story about that newspaper article, but which couldn't include any detail because I hadn't been able to track it down in the eight years I had known about the story. This file contains a copy of the newspaper article.

The suggestion is that the newspaper line was made by copying a vague diagrammatic line in a GLC press release onto a proper map and assuming that was a done deal.

Links to other files

MT 120/233 Highway project feasibility studies: preliminary study of the proposed North London Orbital; notes, minutes, agendas and correspondence (1969)
MT 120/234 Highway project feasibility studies: preliminary study of the proposed North London Orbital; notes, minutes, agendas and correspondence (1969)
MT 120/248 NORTH LONDON ORBITAL HIGHWAY (PROPOSED) FEASIBILITY STUDY. Working papers with ministerial and other correspondence (1969-1970)
MT 120/249 NORTH LONDON ORBITAL HIGHWAY (PROPOSED) FEASIBILITY STUDY. Working papers with ministerial and other correspondence (1969-1970)
MT 120/251 NORTH LONDON ORBITAL HIGHWAY (PROPOSED) FEASIBILITY STUDY. Working papers with ministerial and other correspondence. Part 1. (1970-1971)
MT 120/252 NORTH LONDON ORBITAL HIGHWAY (PROPOSED) FEASIBILITY STUDY. Working papers with ministerial and other correspondence. Part 2. (1970-1971)
HLG 159/1318 London Borough of Sutton: Ringway 3 and Route 27 (1971)

People with camera copies

Chris Marshall has a partial copy.