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This is the full listing of all the archive and library facilities currently found on ArchiveWiki. If you add a new one, please make sure it goes on this list. The National Archives appear at the top of the page; the rest of the list is alphabetical.

Icons8-library-64.png Icons8-moleskine-64.png
Site Info Files The National Archives at Kew (formerly the Public Record Office)
Site Info Files The British Library (formerly the British Museum Library)
Site Info Files The National Archives of Scotland
Site Info Files The National Library of Scotland
Site Info Birmingham City Archives
Site Info Birmingham Local Studies and History
Site Info Bristol Record Office
Site Info Cheshire Archives and Local Studies
Site Info Dudley Archives
Site Info Files Essex Record Office
Site Info Fife Archives
Site Info Glamorgan Archives
Files Glasgow City Council Archives
Site Info Hampshire Record Office
Site Info Files Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies
Site Info Files Lambeth Archives
Site Info Lancashire County Records Office
Site Info Leeds Central Library
Site Info Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Record Office
Site Info Files London Metropolitan Archives
Site Info Sandwell Community History and Archives Service
Site Info Stafford: William Salt Library
Site Info Surrey History Centre
Site Info Walsall Local History Centre
Site Info Wandsworth Local History Service
Site Info West Midlands County Council Archives
Site Info Wolverhampton City Archives
Site Info Worcestershire Record Office