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Plan of the proposed Provisional Urban Motorway 1:2500

Date range1965
LocationLondon Metropolitan Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseFond GLC, subfond TD/T


The tantalising name of this file turns out to be something slightly more mundane than the odd title might suggest. There is one single sheet held at this file reference and it's a standard GLC map of the "London Motorway Box" scheme as published in 1965, including the Balham Loop. The term "Provisional Urban Motorway" is shortened and the map's full title is "Provisional Urban Motorway Plan".

However, it includes an additional detail: the North Cross Route and South Cross Route are annotated to form a key plan of 1:2500 plan sheets along their lengths, along with the sheet numbers. These line up with the large plan sheets in the consultants' report at MT 106/437. The 1:2500 plan sheets are, needless to say, not included, and we are none the wiser with regards to the exact layout of the South Cross Route, but this does indicate that 1:2500 plans of the motorway must have been drawn up.

Links to related files

MT 106/437 GLC: North Cross route and Eastern Avenue extension; consideration of proposed major road network for North Central London; includes consultants' reports (5 parts) (1967-1972)

People with camera copies

Chris Marshall has got the lot.