HLG 131/284

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Ilford BC: proposed flyover at Gants. Includes 1 photograph depicting: Photocopies on photographic paper of a proposed fly-over for Gants Hill, London: affected sites and drawings of proposals.

Date range1963-1965
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries HLG, subseries HLG 131


In about 1963, as part of a wider programme of improvements to the A12, the Ministry of Transport asked a firm of consultants to come up with a way to provide free-flowing traffic conditions at Gants Hill Roundabout without requiring property demolition. The consultants came back with an ingenious scheme for a two-level, three-way flyover - but without demolishing any neighbouring buildings, it would have been disastrous for the local area. Slightly taken back by the horror of the proposal, the MOT thought again.

This file, and its sister HLG 136/195, are essentially building a case to take the project back to the Minister to get the policy on the A12 changed - initially seeking to do something different at Gants Hill, but ultimately, by the end of the file, to abort all the planned improvements to the A12 and build the M12 instead, bypassing the whole area.

Contents of note

  • Photographs and artists' impressions showing what the double-deck flyover would look like.
  • Plan sheet of Gants Hill showing extent of flyover and indicating vantage points for artists' impressions.
  • OS map of Romford area showing whole bypass, marked Radial Route 7. The Gallows Corner Spur is marked as the mainline and the line to Brentwood as "possible spur to Brentwood Bypass".
  • A submission to the Minister recommending abandoning all improvement work to A12 Eastern Avenue and focussing effort on RR7.

Links to other files

HLG 136/195 Gants Hill flyover: points for consideration. Includes 20 photographs depicting: Proposed erection of flyover at Gants Hill, London: undeveloped area showing shops, housing, roads and traffic. Also in file are artistic impressions of development and copies of photographs on photographic paper. (1964)

People with camera copies

Chris Marshall has a partial copy.