MT 106/395

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Sunbury-Harrow-South Mimms-Waltham Abbey-London `D' Ring Road: link road A1 South Mimms to A 10 (Enfield), s 7 Order; planning of route by London boroughs and protection of footpaths affected by roadworks

Date range1964-1969
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries MT, subseries MT 106

This item carries the title "Sunbury-Harrow-South Mimms-Waltham Abbey", but that is a reference to the extent of this section of the "D" Ring Road; the file actually refers only to the section between the A1 (South Mimms) and A10 (Enfield).


This file is about advance planning for what is now the M25 between junctions 23 and 25, though in the main it focuses on 23-24 which was the first section built north of London. Much of it is the usual paperwork generated as a motorway went through the planning process in the 1960s - informal consultation with statutory undertakers, line orders, that sort of thing.

There are minuts of a meeting between the MOT and GLC in 1967 (this being a road the GLC were very interested in and which, on this section, passed briefly through their boundaries) about the standard of construction. It was, apparently, not clear whether D3M was justified, and D2M was under consideration.

Five plan sheets are in a folder at the back, though none are too thrilling. Three are identical copies of a map showing the route of a North Thames Gas Board pipeline that was in planning at the time; the other two are some amendments the GLC proposed to the line for this road that had been protected in the earlier Middlesex County Council development plan, and the plan accompanying the line order for the junction 24 to 25 section.

People with camera copies

None known.