MT 117/21

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Representations in favour of construction of north-south motorway through Lancashire

Date range1952-1955
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries MT, subseries MT 117

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Thumbs up.png This file is truly delightful.
It is likely to bring a smile to your face, probably because it contains the sort of thing that makes trawling through dusty archive documents worthwhile. The thing in this file that makes your day might actually have nothing to do with its subject matter.


Some detail from a conference held by Sir James Drake in the 1950s to bring together the various lobbyists in favour of the Preston Bypass. Includes a marvellous set of colour engineering plans from 1943 showing a grade-separated Bypass as part of the North-South Motorway.

People with camera copies

Chris Marshall has a partial copy.