MT 139/163

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Lee Valley Radial Route No.6: Ruckholt Bridge, Leyton to Harlow; planning blight

Date range1963-1970
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries MT, subseries MT 139


The "Le(e/a) Valley Radial Route", or "Radial Route 6", is better known as the original proposed line for the M11, before it was moved to the route that was actually built down the Roding Valley. What you will find here is an entire folder of correspondence and paperwork regarding one specific house on Honey Lane, Waltham Abbey, which could not be sold by its owner because it was on the route of the M11. The Ministry, after much wrangling, bought the house, and in the end none of it mattered because the M11 was ultimately built about ten miles away to the east.

There is a folder of plans at the back, which will be just the thing if you'd like to see the same plot of land on Honey Lane marked out on various sizes of paper literally twenty times over, but of little interest otherwise.

People with camera copies

None known.