MT 39/782

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BRIDGES: Caernarvon CC: New Conway Bridge: plans and photographs.

Date range1955 - 1960
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries MT, subseries MT 39

Thumbs up.png This file is truly delightful.
It is likely to bring a smile to your face, probably because it contains the sort of thing that makes trawling through dusty archive documents worthwhile. The thing in this file that makes your day might actually have nothing to do with its subject matter.

Return.jpg Ritchie is returning to this file later.
Why this might be the case is open to all manner of unsavoury speculation, but one insuperable fact remains: Ritchie has taken this file out before, and he has every intention of taking it out again soon. In most cases this is because he wants camera copies and wasn't able to get them on the first attempt, but it may also be just because he misses it and longs to be near it again.

Contents of note

This file contains a folder full of high quality A4 black and white photos documenting the construction of the A55 New Conway Bridge, which opened in 1958. There are some absolutely breathtaking shots of the bridge overlooking Conway Castle with the sea in the foreground and mountains in the background. Real picture postcard stuff. Excellent.

People with camera copies

Ritchie Swann has about half of the photos.