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Ringway 2 (formerly C Ring Road)

Date range1969
LocationLondon Metropolitan Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseFond GLC, subfond DG/PTI/P


This file is in a series of 17 files, explained in detail at GLC/DG/PTI/P/05/048.

Within the wider series, this file contains correspondence from April to May 1969.

Contents of note

  • Evidence of three further property purchases.
  • The road is now, from the start of this file, reliably referred to as Ringway 2.
  • A misfiled report about Radial Route 7 - M12 to you and me - that is similar, if not identical, to one at MT 106/454.
  • Minutes of a meeting held with representatives of Merton Borough Council, which refer to the temporary terminus of R2 on the A24 as "abortive", with indications it would be rebuilt to a different layout when R2 was extended on to Wandsworth.
  • A letter, dated 6 May 1969, from Bromley Borough Council to Vigars and co, complaining their develpoment committee are being "kept in ignorance" about Ringway 2. This is the beginning of a long-running dispute that eventually leads to Bromley developing their own alternative line for R2 through Beckenham, of which more in later files.

Links to other files

Previous: GLC/DG/PTI/P/05/052 Ringway 2 (formerly C Ring Road) (1969)
Next: GLC/DG/PTI/P/05/054 Ringway 2 (1969)

People with camera copies

None known.