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Proposals for alterations and additions to the Programme Map. Scale 6':1 mile

Date range1960
LocationLondon Metropolitan Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseFond GLC, subfond TD/DP/DC


This file accompanies GLC/TD/DP/DC/43/019 and is a second large map that shows all the same detail but colour-coded differently. On this map the shading indicates the timescales over which the proposals will be carried out.

Links to other files

GLC/TD/DP/DC/43/010 Town Map (County of London) Scale 6':1 Mile (1951)
GLC/TD/DP/DC/43/019 Proposals for alterations and additions to the Town Map. Scale 6':1 mile (1960)

People with camera copies

None known.