MT 120/234

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Highway project feasibility studies: preliminary study of the proposed North London Orbital; notes, minutes, agendas and correspondence

Date range1969
LocationNational Archives (see all files stored here)
CatalogueSee entry
File baseSeries MT, subseries MT 120


In many files in this corner of MT 120, "North Orbital Study" is the title of a wider study into orbital routes north of London carried out by Freeman Fox, taking in both Ringway 3 and the North Orbital Road. This particular fat wedge includes the Freeman Fox report and appendices at the back with some plans.

Much of this is administrative faffing regarding timings, when results of the study will be published, issue of payments to the consultants and so on. There are also many drafts and re-drafts of a submission to the Treasury setting out broadly what the MOT wanted to do in this area, based on the evidence of the Freeman Fox study. However, there is also some really useful stuff about the relative standards and timings that were expected for R3 and NOR in north and north-west London, and some interesting back-and-forth with Chorleywood District Council who were complaining about new roads churning up their area.

Contents of note

  • 1968 plan of Harlow "expansion", showing the planned road network and population in each neighbourhood. Includes glimpse of NOR line at the southern edge with junction layout.
  • Bucks CC plan of eastern route for NOR between Denham and A4 Colnbrook Bypass, including junction layouts at M4 and M40.

Links to other files

MT 120/233 Highway project feasibility studies: preliminary study of the proposed North London Orbital; notes, minutes, agendas and correspondence (1969)
MT 120/248 NORTH LONDON ORBITAL HIGHWAY (PROPOSED) FEASIBILITY STUDY. Working papers with ministerial and other correspondence (1969-1970)
MT 120/249 NORTH LONDON ORBITAL HIGHWAY (PROPOSED) FEASIBILITY STUDY. Working papers with ministerial and other correspondence (1969-1970)
MT 120/250 NORTH LONDON ORBITAL HIGHWAY (PROPOSED) FEASIBILITY STUDY. Working papers with ministerial and other correspondence (1969-1970)
MT 120/251 NORTH LONDON ORBITAL HIGHWAY (PROPOSED) FEASIBILITY STUDY. Working papers with ministerial and other correspondence. Part 1. (1970-1971)
MT 120/252 NORTH LONDON ORBITAL HIGHWAY (PROPOSED) FEASIBILITY STUDY. Working papers with ministerial and other correspondence. Part 2. (1970-1971)

People with camera copies

Chris Marshall has a partial copy.